
Soundin' Off -- the lifeboat

Friday, July 06, 2007

Deep breath

A little quieter day around here. It has been quite a week, especially for a team that a) often waited until mid-July or early August before actually signing anybody, b) sometimes hasn't considered "toughness" a necessary component of a player or a team, c) sometimes seemed to think "depth" referred to some swimming pool.

The word is they're not done. They want at least one more forward, another defenseman and almost certainly another goalie. The names aren't certain, but the spots are there.

Here's the officials on Kip Brennan and Tim Jackman. And the BST extended the deadline to apply for their Fan Advisory Board to July 31.

Around the league(s), John Paddock takes over in Ottawa. Denis Hamel signed a three-year AHL deal with Binghamton. The Lightning continue to strengthen the depth with Dan Jancevski, whom our buddy Patrick Williams had rated the No. 1 AHL free agent out there. His No. 3, Joe Motzko, is going to Washington, Lindsay Kramer reports on the blog.

Meanwhile, the fight's about 24 hours away. I'm looking forward to it in almost every way possible.


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