
Soundin' Off -- the lifeboat

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Drive 55

It kinda struck me later... Kip Brennan has been around awhile and still isn't a veteran?

Yep: Take a peek back at that IHDB. He has never played more than 55 games in any season, even in junior. Of course, there have been some suspensions along the way, but he has had some injuries, and one ventures there's some bad luck, too. (Random thing that probably only makes me grin: He was traded for Steve Valiquette in junior.)

Another random thing that probably only makes me grin: The draft pick that Phoenix used to take Spiller was the Islanders' to begin with and was traded in the deal that got the picks that were used on Raffi Torres and Ryan Caldwell.

Anyway. Happy Fourth of July.


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