
Soundin' Off -- the lifeboat

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Newsday reports that Alexei Yashin is being bought out, after all. Mark Herrmann column supplements.

Mississauga to St. Catharines. St. Mike's to Mississauga. Probably St. Mike's kids to St. Mike's.

Is it truly a good idea for a low-minors team, even in jest, to use the word "move" and "to (another state)" together in a press-release headline? (Especially since "New Jersey Jackals" sounds pretty good.)

SCF Game 3 gets a 2 share. Wait, they left you and me out: So 2.000002.

ESPN's Scott Burnside says (among other things) that the AHL may test one-minute penalties in OT, which is probably fair, unless you take the sudden-death part out of sudden-death OT. (Or, you know, go back to playing actual five-on-five hockey in overtime, but I know, stifle your radical concepts.) He also says the AHL probably wouldn't be the guinea pigs for bigger nets, and good for the AHL. Maybe most interesting: all faceoffs would be at a dot next year. Hmm. Got to see that in action.

AICN's Hercules asks: If Jericho lives, why not Veronica Mars? (Maybe he, Amanda and I were the only ones watching...)

Off to Willimantic tomorrow... again. I tried today but got as far as Rocky Hill before frantic calls from both bosses let me know the game was called. The lightning strikes all around -- as well as the cars off the road -- were a good tip-off. (Two days of Tim Hortons? Caffeine overdose...)


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