5YA: April 7, 2002 (alternate timeline)
The story you may be about to read is totally made up, based on one little tweak to history:
What if Hartford had won that last game in 2001-02?
Click here to read the (poorly formatted) rest.
What if Hartford had won that last game in 2001-02?
Click here to read the (poorly formatted) rest.
In case anybody wondered, that post is back at the "real" site because this one wouldn't let me break it up with a continue-link, and it's way too long to put on the front page.
(The real site isn't fixed, but the inner workings work just enough to get that done.)
Just a dumb little story for fun 'n' giggles.
Five years. Feels like forever; feels like yesterday.
Fornabaio, at 4:33 AM
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